3. Setting up parameters for simulation

Edit the input.ini or make your own .ini and run the code. The basic structure of input.ini is provided below,

; @file   input.ini
; @brief  PPDyn inputfile.
scope = default

Lx  = 10.0    ; System length in X
Ly  = 10.0    ; System length in Y
Lz  = 10.0    ; System length in Z

N     = 100     ; Number of particles
Vxmax = 1.0     ; Maximum velocity in X
Vymax = 1.0     ; Maximum velocity in Y
Vzmax = 1.0     ; Maximum velocity in Z
Temp  = 0.010   ;

btype = periodic ; Type of boundary

tmax  = 50.0    ; Final time
dt    = 0.010   ; time step size

dumpPeriod  = 10    ; Data dump period
dumpData    = False
parallelMode  = True  ;set to false to disable parallel